Referee Development Program
BTB Soccer Academy understands the importance of transitioning young players into coaching, refereeing, admin and other important roles within our club. In order to have a successful club we must develop the young leaders of tomorrow in all aspects of our club. We take the junior coach and referee development programs as our most important programs that we run each year. Referees will be eligible to officiate during BTB games, exhibitions, tournaments and in the Edmonton and surrounding areas.
BTB Soccer Academy was able to put 33 members through the “Alberta Soccer Entry level referee course” in 2022. We had a diverse group of participants that will be able to go out and referee games immediately in the different communities and leagues. BTB is grateful to Alberta Soccer Association for putting the game and the young participants first in running a course that was informative, engaging, and most of all fun for all the participants. We look forward to certifying a group of young participants every year to make sure we are doing our part to recruit, mentor and develop young referees.
Below are some of the pictures from the 2022 course.