Safe Sport

Pledge to Responsible Coaching

BTB Soccer Academy has taken the pledge and is now a proud Champion of the Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM). By making this pledge, BTB commits to maintaining supportive policies and processes that adhere to the RCM to ensure the safety and protection of BTB athletes and coaches and provide coaches with the tools and training necessary to model ethical behaviour.

RCM is a multi-phase, system-wide movement, co-ordinated by the Coaching Association of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, affecting all sports organizations and coaches. The first phase of the RCM focuses on three key areas:

  • Rule of Two

    • A rule of two adults protects minor athletes in potentially vulnerable situations by ensuring more than one adult is present. Vulnerable situations can include closed-door meetings, travel, and training environments.

  • Background Screening

    • The background screening process involves using several different tools to ensure coaches meet the necessary security requirements to coach athletes. These tools include comprehensive job postings, criminal record checks, interviews, and reference checks.

  • Respect and Ethics Training

    • Increasing coaches’ ethical conduct and behaviour toward athletes requires coaches be trained to understand what it means to act ethically. The training includes Make Ethical Decisions, from the National Coaching Certification Program, and training in abuse and harassment prevention, such as Respect in Sport.

All staff, board members, coaches, volunteers, players and parents are encouraged to:

  • Take the Safe Sport Training course offered through the website, which is free.

  • BTB is committed to having all coaches, 16 and older, complete the course making ethical decisions.

Welfare protection:
Contact Kris Hawkins for more information about BTB policies and if you need someone to talk with. All complaints are handled respectfully, with sensitivity and consistency. Hawkins works in the Human Rights Department and has the Commit to Kids training. 

BTB Cultural Training: BTB is committed to having a safe, fun, inclusive and enjoyable environment for the players, coaches, volunteers, board members, parents and everyone involved in our programming. BTB holds seasonal meetings with the players/parents to explain the goals of BTB, documents and policies, and also to build a culture for the parents to understand the safety of their child is the most important component for BTB.

The BTB coaches go through a rigorous training before each season to learn and review the values and objectives of BTB. This training takes place before each season. We are fortunate to have a diverse group of coaches that can relate to different backgrounds and people.